
My black is better than your black..

Im getting so frustrated cuz folks have this whole "my black is better than your black" attitude. A lotta folks feel that being dark skinned is better than being light skinned. && a lot more consider being light skinned way better than being dark skinned. Like, wtf?? Im not knocking anybodys preference----If you'd rather date a light skinned person or a dark skinned person, more power to you. To each their own & all that but once you start putting others down, its a problem.

The color of your skin doesnt define how beautiful you are. If someone attempts to belittle you because of your skin tone FUCK EM. Straight up. Cuz they're just tryna make themselves feel better about their insecurities. If they werent, they would know that the amount of melanin that makes up ones skin tone is only that---no more, no less.

I've seen plenty of fine light skinned dudes in my 18 years of life.
& i've also seen enough sexy dark skinned dudes to balance that out.

Being beautiful or, as much as i dont like that statement, "better" than someone else, takes so much more than a persons skin tone. So for all yall who look in the mirror & hate what you see staring back-----find some confidence. Stop looking at your flaws & peep what you got going for you.

&& for all yall putting others down cuz you're not feeling their skin tone, whether they're white, light skinned, dark skinned, brown skinned, olive complected, etc---------FUCK YOU. Its people like yall that make so many folks hate themselves & question their self-worth.

Beauty comes in many different shapes, sizes, skin tones, etc

1 comment:

  1. i def feel you on that. to many ppl gettin crazy with all that nonsense. shouts too all complextions owwww
