
viva las nappy heads.

i've been going back & forth about what to do with my hair for the longest time.
part of me wants to just cut it a la Agnyess Deyn & the rest of me wants to just grow it out.
its so confusing.

i know some of yall are not gonna understand why its such a complicated deal to me but its a huge deal. i've noticed that my confidence level often times is dictated by how my hair is that day. if im having a good hair day then my confidence is way up there. its at its peak. the second i feel as if my hair isint up to par, i get self conscious & more reserved & fade into the background.

i think its a mixture of a situation i experienced coming up as well as the way the media portrays it.
when i was younger, like in kindergarten, this lil white girl made it a point to make it clear to me that she & i couldnt be friends because my hair was not like hers. her hair was down to her back, long & silky straight while mine was barely touching my shoulders & coarse. that was what really began my hair issues.
it made me feel as if i would be judged & excluded from certain things if my hair didnt look like it was "supposed" to.
i think it was a subconscious thing because i never really understood why i had issues w. my hair & why is mattered so much to me, until recently.

now the media.
oh the media. lol.
they arent much help.
i feel like they dont put enough emphasis on the women w. my hair texture or hair thats even around the same length as mine, as far as black women go. i cant name one black woman thats in the media who's natural hair resembles my own. we're made to think that "beautiful hair" is long & sleek & sexy & soft. i think there needs to be more women with kinky ass hair being portrayed/labeled as beautiful.
& we need to be taught how to work w. the hair we have.
most magazines limit their hair ideas & treatment options, ect etc to the folks w. naturally soft shiny hair.
i cant relate to that.
when my hair is au natural & the relaxer begins wearing out idk wth to do w. it.

now its too late for me. im already in that place where unless my hair looks/feels freshly relaxed & is manageable, im uncomfortable.
but maybe if some things changed the next generation wont get stuck in the same mindset i am as far as hair is concerned.
i wanna be able to feel comfortable w. my hair & im working on it.
& yea i know its not all on the media & that lil white girl. it has just as much to do w. me as it does them.
i gotta allow myself space to get to the point where im able to overlook what the public has to say, what that lil girl thought, as well as what i was taught was acceptable. working on it soooo. we'll see.


  1. OMG, I was just about to write an editorial titled, "To Weave, or Not to Weave", but I was going to talk about the same exact things in which you're touching because a lot of people don' understand what young black girls and women go through on a daily basis. They believe we want to be white by buying 24-inch Indie and shit, but it's more than that. But you know I couldn't write it without setting someone's nerves off. LMAO!

    Do what you feel will make you feel better about your hair. Fuck what a lil white girl has to say. If anything, they're the ones jealous of our hair. Everytime I wash my press out and wear my hair in just a blow-dried bun, they're like, "Oh my God, I love it like this." they do all those extras, moussing, spraying, and teasing their hair so that it will poof or look bigger, when we don't have to do that shit.

    Yeah we go through hell to make ours manageable but so what. I still wear my natrual hair without an issue, short or not because I won't have to be self-conscious about my tracks showing in the wind. You just have to find that style that you're comfortable with.

  2. fuck setting someones nerves off. not everyones gonna agree w. the things you have to say. they'll be alright. when my hair is manageable i love it. its just gets frustrating when i cant work w. it. i really wanted to cut it cuz w. hair that short you just get up & go. no standing in the mirror spending forever trying to decide what to do w. it. on the other hand my hair isnt all that short so im hesitant to cut it cuz of that. decisions, decisions. lol. thanks for the feedback though mama.
