
said & done.

its about that time.
my finals begin tomorrow & im feeling good.
the only one im worried about is psychology. i should do pretty well on everything else as long as i hit the books & bring out the notes.
the only thing im stressing is making a 3.0 gpa. if i make & keep that then i can be in the honor society. not only does that look great on a transcript but then i would get more money for school.
thats what im really worried about. private school is expensive & im uber terrified at the thought of not being able to complete my education.
ima keep my fingers crossed & review like something serious.
so nighty night babies. i wanna be well rested for tomorrow.

i know some of yall have finals to worry about as well (Aliyah, Trey, LaiParis) so good luck yall.
study hard!

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